"Invasion",based on the classic "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is being released on DVD this week and I cannot wait to see it.It stars Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig(Casino Royale)and is right up my alley because I enjoy the scifi thriller genre.
Other theatrical releases this week:
Other theatrical releases this week:
- "The Comebacks"-This movie spoofs popular movies like "Rocky","Meet the Titans" and "Rudy"-widescreen
- "Daddy Day Camp"-Follow up to "Daddy Day Care" with all new cast,lots of poop jokes
Other DVD releases this week:
- "El Cid"(1961)
- "Groundhog Day" (1993) 25th anniversary edition DVD
- "Lake Placid 2"-unrated
- "Monty Python's Life Of Brian "(1979) - The Immaculate Edition DVD-2 disc
TV on DVD:
- "Emergency"Season 4-5 disc set
- "Spongebob Squarepants:To love a patty"-animated
- "Curb Your Enthusiasm "- The Complete Sixth Season DVD-2 discs
Remember to watch a movie this weekend!
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