Monday, March 10, 2008

Litterbugs SUCK!

Over the weekend, wind and rain combined and as a result drainage ditches were close to overfilling and when that happens,all the garbage people toss out their car windows floats up to the surface and becomes very visible and I just cannot understand how someone can be too lazy to wait til they get home to take their car-trash inside.I keep grocery bags in my vehicle just for that purpose and bring them in to toss them.It not only looks ugly it is even dangerous to wildlife who can either ingest or get entangled in trash!I totally agree with the steep fines in Maryland for littering offenses and wish that our state would adopt a bottle deposit program like other states have-not only would it encourage recycling it might reduce the amount of cans and bottles on the side of the roads or in ditches in the long run.In Somerset County the road crews (inmates) do the best they can,but as soon as they clean a stretch of road,people come along and dump more of their crap!Perhaps forcing litterbugs to join a crew picking up trash is a better deterrent than the fines,whatever it takes as far as I am concerned.If there were deposits for containers people would be encouraged not to dispose of them.People-please stop littering!!!!!!!!

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