Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Animal Control that is out of control

I read a news story today that sickened me to no end,and pretty much ensured I will never visit Puerto Rico again until they get their shit together and do something about the way they deal with stray animals.
It seems that taxpayer funded animal control contractors are simply tossing unwanted or seized animals over bridges and into ravines,ALIVE,the same animals that they claim they are either housing in shelters,or humanely euthanizing.In a recent sweep of housing projects,where pets are prohibited,dogs and cats were taken from owners who were promised they would be taken to shelters....shelters that have no record of receiving ANY animals from this company.
Former employees of Animal Control Solutions,the contractor responsible for this outrage,have told the Associated Press that the dogs and cats collected and disposed of run into the thousands and that often,live animals were tossed into gullies and ravines on top of dead ones from previous "missions".When they did not have euthaniasia drugs available,they would simply inject the animals on the roadside with sedative overdoses,and dump them.They were also directed by the owner of this company to toss dirt on top of any animals still breathing and struggling to survive.One dog,whose owner remanded it to a shelter to be euthanized for health problems,was dumped unceremoniously into one of these "death pits" only to survive and find its way home-much to the owners chagrin.16 animal owners have filed a 22.5 million lawsuit against the municipal government involved and the contractor.
Puerto Rico does not have a good reputation when it comes to the humane treatment of animals,and stray animals are a serious problem in this US territory,yet there are absolutely NO spay/neuter programs available in operation-which would significantly decrease the numbers of feral dogs and cats but apparently would not allow these subcontractors to reap huge profits from the government who entrusted them to do their job humanely.There are few relief organizations that are assisting the animals,among them but this situation didnt escalate overnight and it will not be solved overnight either.I believe it was Ghandi who once said a nations civility can be judged by the way in which it treats their animals....and in the case of Puerto Rico,there is no civility left.For more detailed information on this injustice,go to


BabyMamaNurse said...

That is nuts!

Chimera said...

Yes it is nuts and its cruel too!Hopefully with enough bad publicity they will be shamed into correcting the problems.

Anonymous said...

That is just sick and wrong!