Friday, November 23, 2007

What was THIS guy thinking?

I was extremely disturbed and outraged when I read Sbynews today and learned of the incident at Joe Alberos' farm in Delmar.Apparently,one Mr.Wayne Barrel,who has butted heads with Joe in the past,was angry because Joe didnt return his phone calls and thought it prudent to show up,uninvited and unannounced,on their doorstep on Thanksgiving Day of all days,to confront him.In the process,Joe and Jennifers grandson was so frightened he hid from this strange man banging on the door.Those people who despise Joe can say all they want about him,but has Joe ever showed up at their homes after they made disgusting comments about HIS family?No!
This type of thing is EXACTLY why I protect my privacy because I can tell you folks,if someone were to beat down our door,on a holiday no less,to confront ANYONE,my big Guido husband would lose his mind-and in our neck of the woods,we have no trespassing signs and we mean it-because we are so far out it would take too long for the police to get here to protect us.It would all be over by the time the Sheriffs Dept pulled into the driveway.And speaking of Sheriffs,he should count himself lucky that it didnt happen in Wicomico County-you just dont trespass and harass a guy who is tight with the County Sheriff!
I give Joe a lot of credit,because things would have been alot different had it been MY home but how did he know this guy didnt have a gun?Anyone irrational enough to act on impulse and emotion and just ambush you at home isnt thinking.Joe would have been perfectly within his legal rights to shoot this man had he not stood down and made a hasty retreat.My husband is still behind me,reading this and shaking his head because he just cant believe it.Joe reacted better than my hubby would have and for that you call him a pussy-but Joe is not stupid-he knows what he is up against and that people are just waiting for him to F- up so they can get in line and sue him.I do not always agree with him but if everything he says is bullsh*t like everyone says it is,why are they so upset by it?What are they afraid of?And why are they going to such lengths to stifle him?


joe albero said...

As I'm confident you're aware that my Wife had a LOT to do with my toning down the Post I put up, I can assure you that Mr. Barrall was so far out of line it wasn't funny.

The State Police will be in search of Mr. Barrall as they left my home with a ton of evidence including physical threats and other challenges from Mr. Barrall before the incident on Thanksgiving.

The arrest of this man will clearly set an example of what will become of ANY other person who attempts the same acts. I can also tell you that IMO I would say 95%+ of the comments being made are from Wayne himself under anonymous.

I have even rejected many of the comments and the funny part is, I get comments like, I see you're not posting ALL of the comments OTHERS are sending you. OK, Dee, Dee, Deeee, how would YOU know that. It's ONE person.

Then there's the fact that they're NOT stating, that poor child. Look at the comments already on my Post. They always have something to say about Wayne and how he was correct in what he did. Look, when it says NO TRESPASSING. that means No Trespassing, Period!

As it is NOT wise for me to express everything that happened, one thing I can say is that the 911 tape will clearly spell out 100% of the TRUTH as to what actually was said and what went down. The State Police were very quick to secure copies in order to prosecute Mr. Barrall.

I'll not also get into details about my Grandson's past but I will say, this poor little guy has in fact had a very tough life in his short 6 years. The State Police have regularly played a roll in his young years and what we were to bring to his life is the security apart from that happening again.

I can assure you that I will protect him to the fullest so this will never happen again. No Trespassing has a whole new meaning from this day forward.

joe albero said...

I'll add, the mere fact I had to call 911 shows Mr. Barrall was NOT willing to leave my property without help from the Police and or the knowledge that I was in fact speaking to them on the phone while he was refusing to leave my property.

Anonymous said...

Joe got exactly what he was asking for. He has been harrasing and spreading lies about Wayne for months now.

Anonymous said...

If Wayne gets arrested, it will just add to his lawsuit against Joe.

Anonymous said...

Totmom, are you a real person or are you Joe Albero in drag? You have to be pretty stupid to no see how Joe created this situation by his own behavior. Maybe Child Protective Services should be called to have his grandson removed from this dangerous enviornment.

Chimera said...

I can assure you I AM a real person and the last time I checked I was female.Honestly,I have never even met Joe personally and I am not a "Remington Steele-ish" enigma-I am just very protective of my privacy for obvious reasons.
I wasnt there yesterday so I dont know either side of the story but I do know that one of the subjects was in his OWN home and the other party was trespassing at said home.If Mr.Barrel has been harassed and harangued by Joe then of course he has every right to dispute it & make his rebuttals-but he did not have the right to enter onto private property without an invitation.Were the shoe on the other foot and had Joe shown up on someones doorstep,again on a holiday,to confront someone,he would be UNDER the jail,no doubt,and the very next day the Daily Times would do a front page spread about how the husband of a "disgruntled former city zoo employee" stalked someone and everyone would be posting to Storychat about what an A-hole he is and that they should throw the book at him.Am I wrong?
BTW,I appreciate you who disagree with me keeping it clean and not going for my jugular....

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Wayne, sue Albero, PLEASE! Wayne trespasses at Albero's home and threatens him and his family and he thinks he can sue Albero? For a guy who no one ever knew in the past, he sure does have a lot of alleged supporters out of nowhere? What kind of pills is this Wayne guy taking anyway?

Anonymous said...

So, you don't think it is OK for Wayne to go to Joe's house to talk to him about posting lies about him, after Joe refused answer his phone or return his calls? Joe was the instigator in this incident, not Wayne. Wayne has serious health problems, but Joe has insisted on harrasing him for months and months. Sooner or later, someone is going to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and go directly to the source to fix the problem. Joe's at fault here, not Wayne.

Anonymous said...

Wayne was thinking I'm going to talk to the person man-to-blogger. I bet Joe will think twice about posting lies about Wayne after this. Crippled Wayne was knocking on his door, and Joe was hiding in the shower, frantically calling 911. What a loser you are, Joe. Yea, you're a real badass!

Chimera said...

Considering the history of conflict between the two men and the fact that Mr.Barrel was not invited or wanted at the home,its not OK for him to just show up.Again,I don't know Mr.Barrel so I cannot say what his motives were,and some of you have stated that he is disabled and therefore wouldnt provoke a physical altercation-but even a paraplegic can shoot or stab somebody.Before I offend anyone,I am not saying WB would shoot or stab someone,but very often when people get angry they dont stop and think things through before they act and it was irrational to just go to his house like that.Rational thinking goes out the window when you get pissed off but the law is the law.You just cant trespass on posted property,disabled and pissed off or not.Theres always certified mail and if he truly feels that Joe has broken or circumvented the law by slandering him,he has the option of pursuing him in a civil court of law.If we just did what we wanted when someone pushed our buttons,it would be anarchy.He not only endangered himself by trespassing,but he opened himself up to criminal and civil liability and quite possibly jeopardized his professional position.

Anonymous said...

Joe and Wayne used to be best buddies, until Joe started telling false stories about fire departments. This is a common problem with Joe. He befriends people only to eventually use and abuse them, which pisses them off. Look at his previous friendships with Ron Alessi and John Robinson, and what happened there. Now it's Wayne Barrell. All I can say to you Totmom is WATCH YOUR BACK!

Anonymous said...

First of all, how do we know that the "no trespassing" signs were there before the incident? Second, how do we know that at one point or another Joe didn't "invite" him over? Look, I'm not saying Mr. Barrel was right, but I definitely don't think Joe is always in the right. He falsely accused Mr. Barrel of saying something under an assumed name and when he tried to defend himself, Joe wouldn't allow the comments. Mr. Barrel tried to call him to defend himself and he wouldn't take the call. We only know one side of the story...Joe's side, as usual. He calls himself a news source when it's convenient, but only allows one side of the story. Then, when he's accused of saying something ridiculous about someone...then he's a blog and protected under the "opinion" thing. The guy is whacko and someone finally called him out on it. AND THE PU**Y hid!!

Anonymous said...

In my world, 2 men have differences, they settle man to man. WB is a cripple and had no weapons and Joe cowered in his bathroom.

Anonymous said...

Are you F/N kidding me? It was Thanksgiving. You cannot go to someone's home and pull that crap. If Mr. Albero felt the need to call 911, I believe what he says and Mr. Barel is full of crap. Oh, yeah, he put up a no trespassing sign just to fool the police, not! I say a while back ago where he stated there was a no trespassing sign on his property. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

Totmom, I want to commend you one allowing a free and impartial discussion on this. Joe is censoring comments not favorable to him, and I don't mean just vulgar or threatening ones. Also it sure look likes he is writing some anomyous posts himself. Thankyou for allowing a fair and unbiased dialogue, even though you are Joe's friend.

Anonymous said...

I have seen Mr. Barrel out and about at many different fires and accidents and I don't know who you fools are saying he's crippled because that's completely untrue. He's about as crippled as Albero's wife is. That's it. Maybe Albero's wife should have beat the crap out of him instead. lol

Anonymous said...

I smell an ass kisser. Can you smell that Wayne? Oh, it's you. lol

Chimera said...

I don't know if the property was posted prior to yesterday,but knowing what little I do about Joe,I am pretty sure his place has signs posted."Cripple" ( I hate that word but I am quoting someone else) or not,you just cant come to someones house to have a pissing match.If I went to someones door everytime I have felt disenfranchised or offended by someone,I would have worn the soles off my shoes years ago and become known on a 1st name basis to the bail bondsmen.
As far as watching my back goes,I am not losing any sleep over the slight chance that Joe might turn on me in the future.I don't have anything he wants or needs,and I am certainly no competition for him in the blogging arena.He has treated me with respect and civility and I will do likewise.I have nothing to gain or lose by standing up for him on this matter.Had I never lived in Salisbury and witnessed firsthand some of the misconduct & injustice he exposes,I would not be so vehement about standing up for him.

Chimera said...

No need to commend me-I might disagree with most of the comments but as long as y'all keep it clean and don't get vulgar I will not suppress ANYONES' opinion here.

Anonymous said...

You lost Wayne at, "vehement." lol!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he is omitting several comments that are neither vulgar nor threatening. They just don't necessarily agree with him.

Anonymous said...

We see how long it takes Joe to order Totmom to shut off anomyous comments and delete any comment he doesn't like, or he'll sue her.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me where trespassing statues are different for holidays than other days? Its ok for Joe to mess with a disabled man by spreading lies about him on Thanksgiving, but it's not OK for Wayne to call him on it? Lets not forget that it was JOE who started this, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who knows Wayne knows he has not worked or fought fires for a couple of years now and had major surgery not too long ago. I doubt if if could even walk without taking pain pills. but baddazz Joe was scared of him.

Anonymous said...

The unfortunate thing is that Joe does uncover alot of things that need attention in Salisbury. But his hatred for the mayor is so rabid he will make stuff up if doesnt have anything new to talk about. He will lie about anyone if it makes they mayor and the city look bad. he doesnt care about how many innocent people he hurts.

Anonymous said...

So you come here to complain?

Anonymous said...

I can see now why Joe hates firefighters. He has no friends except his wife and father-in-law, and who know how long that is going to last. He despises the close bond of the fire service, and thinks he is weakening it.

Anonymous said...

I lost what respect I had for Joe Albero when he attacked AC JG over SFD firefighters using Mike McMullen's name (with his family's consent) in fundraisers to raise money for a scholorship fund in his memory. This guy doesn't even care if he attacks fallen US serviceman in his quest to discredit the mayor. Despicable, really despicable......

Anonymous said...

Why does Joe think he can make up stories about people, and they have no right to confront him about it?

Anonymous said...

Well, looks like Totmom has figured out how to score hits. Joe uses the SFD and she uses him.

Chimera said...

That last comment is EXACTLY the reason I was so hesitant to start a blog.I did NOT make the original post for any other reason than to stand up for what I think is right-which is that Joe has the right for people not to come barging onto his property unannounced.I do not have a thick skin and I admit it hurts that people would think I have an ulterior motive to my actions.Although it should not matter because I do not know any of you,it bothers me because if nothing else,I AM an honest and forthright person who actually makes an effort NOT to hurt peoples feelings or otherwise infringe on them.Joe inspired me to start my own blog and that is IT.He does not tell me what to say,or dictate to me how I should do things,contrary to what anyone might think.My own husband can tell you,I take orders from no one-not even him.
So in the future I will stick to what I know best,blogging about TV,movies and social issues-and the occasional news story.I have never felt it necessary to promote myself at the expense of others and never will.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...
Why does Joe think he can make up stories about people, and they have no right to confront him about it?

November 23, 2007 9:06 PM

First off all, you have to say what the made up stries are. Secondly, if you confront a person on their property and the person asks you to leave, you have to leave. Plain and simple. If you dont leave it is trespassing whether a sign is posted or not.
cant wait to se how this develops further.

BTW Totmom... enjoy all your posts... doing a great job!!

Anonymous said...

Joe has creditied many nasty posts to Wayne, saying he knows it's him because he can trace the IP address, which is a lie, btw. He has repeatedly called Wayne a racist and other names. If all that had been done to me, I would have confronted him long ago. How much harrasment is one man supposed to take??

Anonymous said...

Wayne did leave when asked to.

Anonymous said...

This is why it's crazy to let a nutcase like Albero know who you are. He singles people out and slanders them left and right on his blog. When they try to stop him, Joe just piles it on even more.

joe albero said...

"Joe and Wayne used to be best buddies, until Joe started telling false stories about fire departments."

That is an absolute LIE. Wayne and I have never been Buddies and or friends, period. Now you have it from the horses mouth.

If you'll recall. I refused to put up a link to Wayne's Website when I first started and I never knew who the guy was beforehand. He FREAKED out because I wouldn't do so and has been agrivated ever since.


joe albero said...

"Wayne did leave when asked to."


You see Totmom, you truly have to wonder who's doing all the lying. I produce the TRUTH while Idiots like this hate me for such, yet they're the luiars.

Why would I have called the Police IF Wayne agreed to leave in the first place? UNBELIEVABLE!

joe albero said...

liars, sorry.

BabyMamaNurse said...

Wow WTF is going on over on the shore! I'd expect stuff over here but dang!

Anyway - people reading this and saying mean things - this blogger is my sister...she is real, trust me - she kicked my ass around enough as a kid that I will say for sure she is real.

Respectfully she is just posting news so be nice. She is a mom and a person just like most everyone else around here!

Historical Wit said...

Albero: 3 rounds, 9 minutes, all monies raised to charity of winners choice.

ps i aint crippled.