Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ho Ho Ho? No-No-No!

One of my online friends tipped me off to a news story(thanks Stacey!)coming out of Sydney,Australia,where storefront and mall Santas' have been instructed to chortle "Ha-ha-ha" instead of the traditional "Ho-ho-ho" because of the potential for "Ho" to be offensive to someone!WTF????Why not just ban Santa altogether and be done with it?We have already let the PC Patrol take Christ out of Christmas and now they have aimed their sights on Santa Claus!
Reportedly a staffing agency in Sydney recruiting the Santas' have decided that because "Ho" is an American slang term for a hooker or prostitute,it may be offensive to children and parents.
Another of my online buds,Rayne summed it up pretty good.He says that if they want to be truly "PC" then we need to stop letting kids sitting on Santas lap because after all,he is a stranger and we tell our kids not to trust anyone they do not know-the elves have to go to because they are stereotyping "little people" and might offend them too.Oh,and dont forget Rudolph-with a nose that red he has GOT to start drinking 80 proof eggnogg way before noon!And Santa himself is obese,which is another topic all its own.See how ridiculous and out of hand things can get when a select group of people decides what is "correct" for the rest of us????
I personally think that Christmas has become way too commercialized and in the process,its true meaning is lost on alot of people.Sure,not everyone celebrates it and thats fine-our differences are what make us unique-but what happened to tolerance and good sense?I am smart enough to know that if I see Santa in the mall and he says "Ho-ho-ho" he is not calling me a whore...One can only hope this stupidity doesnt catch on here in America but it would not suprise me if it did.I can deal with Christmas displays being put up in stores in September,but to censor Santa is too much!Whoever came up with this bonehead notion in Australia will most certainly be getting lumps of coal this year.....


Sheri said...

wow.. I didnt hear that yet.. thats nuts!! Stupid if you ask me.. lol

Chimera said...

Stupid...oh yeah.Suprising?No.I think people are getting carried away with this PC stuff

BabyMamaNurse said...

Amen Sista