Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wesley Snipes "whips it out"-the race card,that is.

How can any guy cool enough to play Blade THREE times let his lawyer pull out the race card on his behalf and use being black as a copout for not paying his taxes from 1999 to 2005?Wesley Snipes attorney is claiming that Ocala,FL,is a "hotbed" of KKK activity and that the trial should be heard in NY state because there is no chance he will receive a fair trial in Florida.The trial is scheduled for January as of now.
C'mon,Wesley-be a man and admit it-you cheated on your taxes and got caught,it happens sometimes.Dude,you can afford to pay taxes so count your blessings and just plead your case as you see fit,but don't buckle in to the temptation of the "race card".There are people all over the country without your financial means who are in real trouble and encounter very REAL racism everyday.
Snipes is a terrific actor,one of my favorites and I have alot of respect for any man who will dress as a woman in a movie(Nozema Jackson rules!)but he needs to get over himself.

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