Monday, November 19, 2007

Kids gone wild

Down in Acworth,Georgia,three boys are being held for charges stemming from the sexual assault of an 11 yr old girl.How old are these alleged rapists?One of them is EIGHT and the other two boys are NINE years old!According to Captain Wayne Dennard,of the Acworth PD,the incident happened Thursday and was reported by the victims mother.The boys are accused of forcing her into a wooded area while playing outdoors and restraining her while one of the trio raped her.The Cobb County DA has not decided on whether to charge the unnamed juveniles as adults as of yet.
However they are charged,I believe they are all in need of some serious psychological counseling...what the hell has happened to kids?Normal 8 and 9 yr old boys still think girls are "gross" at that age.What happened that is making these "new kids" so violent and deviant?Alot of people like to blame the influences of music,tv and movies but I cant help but think it more than likely they are learning these behaviors at home.One only needs to look at the fact that there are now "resource" police officers in MIDDLE schools and know how much kids have changed.As I parent I check the internet to be sure I do not live near any sex offenders so my daughter can play outside safely but would I ever think her own peers could be capable of such evil?Is it because of family values,what they see on TV or just a sign of the times?I am interested in what people think about it!


karen said...

That is a very interesting question. We all know that in most cases, rape or sexual assault is not about sex, but about control. But these were children. If they wanted to show control, why did they choose to do it in this way? They must have been exposed to sex somehow. I think much of it comes from TV. But, I think the lack of family values are equally to blame. Many children don't have anyone at home to tell them right from wrong. They come from single parent families where that one parent is struggling so much to make ends meet, the children are left with no one to guide them. I don't know what the answer is. But someone better figure it out quick.

Chimera said...

Its frightening-and so much of it is happening everywhere.Some of these crimes are so impulsive and a recent doc I watched on child development noted that kids born with FAS(fetal alcohol syndrome)often act out without any thought for consequences and violently so.They showed a home video of an 8 yr old boy born with FAS and taken at 1 yr from an abusive teen mother and her boyfriend-he has already been arrested for breaking into his neighbors garage and stealing a gun(!)and his adoptive parents are desperate to get his problems under control or they know he will be in prison by adulthood.Its a chilling thought that is overlooked

karen said...

I think that my husband and I are more of an exception that a rule. Other kids are allowed to "hang out" with whomever they want, wherever they want, my children are not allowed to go anywhere with anyone unless I know their parents. Some kids are allowed to roam the streets, day and night, and the parents either don't know..or don't care. The FAS is an interesting angle. I didn't realize that this could cause deviant behavior. Hopefully, this only explains a small portion of these cases. I'd hate to think there were so many drunks that couldn't lay off the booze while they were pregnant.

Bunker Britches said...

Sex is everywhere and being accepted without any dissention. Go sit out side the elementary school and look at the kids going into or leaving school. These are young CHLIDREN. Some of the girls are dressed and made up looking like tarts!! Tnen go to the Middle School and watch. These are 12 to 15 year old TEENS. They are dressed like HOOKERS!!! I know that when I was in school (the dark ages), at this age the girls used to sneak lipstick to put on on the school bus or after getting to school, but all the makeup they use today??? No Way!! What happened to parents supervising what their kids wear to school? What happened to common decency? Like common sense, it ain't very common!! even the commercials on Television can be considered soft porn, especially the ones for Victoria's Secret Bras. Kids are becoming sexually active at younger and younger ages. Girls are getting pregnant with out shame or censure from parents, peers or school authorities.
This tide needs to be reversed, but how? That is the 64 thousahd dollar question.