Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Great American Smokeout

Tomorrow,November 15th,is "The Great American Smokeout",where all smokers are encouraged to give up the habit for a day....and hopefully decide to quit for good.As a 20 year smoker,I know I need to quit but I am not ready to yet and we all know that with any addiction,you have to want to stop in order for cessation to actually work.I know that is not good for me,as my non-smoking husband is constantly reminding me,but it just isnt time yet.I may be forced to quit if the price of cigarettes continues to rise,but thats an altogether different motive.
And while we are on the subject,those of us who do choose to smoke really wish people would ease up on us!Everytime there is a budget deficit,lawmakers want to raise taxes on tobacco products,and yet the alcohol tax is rarely increased.Why not?I am willing to bet that alchohol outsells tobacco in most states,and in my opinion is just as harmful to ones health.Again I know smoking is bad for me,but are why is the rest of world so hellbent on making us quit?I am old enough to recall a time when public buildings,including courthouses,had urns in every hallway and ashtrays on every other desktop-nowadays you cant even have a square in your car in the courthouse parking lot it seems.Everyone was forced outside to smoke,in all kinds of weather and now they even want to take that away!There are even-gasp-bars that prohibit smoking....which is a conondrum-its cool to get wasted on booze,but do not light up!
So if you no longer smoke or never did,you are already ahead of the game.Lets hope that anyone who is ready to quit will do so tomorrow,even if just for a day.It isnt like smoking is convenient anymore anyway....but please dont give me a dirty look if you pass me on the road and I have a cigarette hanging out of my mouth!When I am ready to quit I will be able to do so.


joe albero said...

NOT ME! I'm firing up a Big Fat Cigar, kicking back and enjoying it. I quit smoking cigarettes years ago but boy, let me tell you, cigars are the ticket!

Days like today are just plain stupid. If your intentions are to QUIT, great. To add pressure on those people who DON'T want to quit, it makes it stupid.

Where are you going? I'm taking a smoke break. Yeah, but today is a smoke free day, BITE ME, I say! LOL

It may be for YOU, good luck. However, for me, I got up this morning thinking, I want a stogie and I already had 4 before I got to work and on my way in I heard it was a smoke free day on the radio. I thought to myself, self, TOO LATE!

So fire them up if you so choose and if you need some support, contact me and I'll drop by and smoke one with you. LOL

Anonymous said...

While in Deadwood South Dakota in September my 8 year old and I were getting into the hotel elevator and he saw the ashtray attached to the wall by the elevator door and asked..."Mom why is there a Holy Water Thingy next to the elevator"?

My how times have changed.

joe albero said...


Bob said...

What's really freaked out is when you go to another country and you can smoke almost anywhere. In line at the airports, etc. I quit almost two years ago but I don't fault anyone who smokes. I also think the govt. is way out of line regulating smoking in private businesses. If I want to go to a restaurant that permits smoking, I will. If not, I'll go somewhere else. It's not so much the rights of smokers or non-smokers. It's more about the rights of the business owner to conduct his business the way he/she sees fit.

I'm going to Jamaica in June. When I do, I'm smoking a Cuban cigar. I'm also bringing one back for Joe.

Chimera said...

I have never been outside the country unless you count the Caribbean,but I have heard from others that in Europe,especially France,people smoke EVERYWHERE!