Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A positive pit bull terrier story.....

Todays Daily Times published a heartwarming story of a dog who alerted his owner to fire,waking her up & allowing her to rouse others in the motel complex in which they reside.What kind of dog?A pit bull!!!!
We are so accustomed to hearing only the negative stories about this breed that it is suprising to most of us to hear that they arent all the raving demon-hounds they are portrayed as too often.I have personally owned two pit bull terriers,and let me tell you firsthand that while they are not trouble free,they excel as loving companions and guard dogs if treated and trained properly.I raised one from a sickly pup-she was the runt of the litter and wasnt expected to live,and she survived infancy to become a beautiful,rambuctious dog who loved "her humans" unconditionally until she died at the age of seven due to an unexpected seizure.As a runt,she was rejected by her mother and her fathers owner nursed her to health with hand/bottle feedings until she was robust enough for me to take her home with me.She had alot of health problems,and since we never expected her to make it,I was pleased with the 7 years I had with her-she was like a baby to me.
My male pit came to me as an abused 3 year old,and while he had some passive aggressive issues,he was not a mean dog at all-despite being restricted to a cage by his previous owner.As a single woman living in a sketchy neighborhood some years ago,he was better than Brinks when it came to security.A quiet,serious dog,he NEVER barked unless he had a reason when he did you knew something was hinky.I lived in an apartment for months with this dog and none of the other tenants even realized I HAD a dog upstairs because he was so calm!I am sure they saw me walking him,but until one of the neighbors had a "close encounter" they were oblivious to a dog in the building.My downstairs neighbor happened to get a piece of my mail one day and while I was at work,he decided to bring it upstairs and slip it into my storm door.The minute he opened it,he said that my dog was all over the glass,barking and growling ferociously,and trying like hell to get at him.Needless to say,he fled down the stairs and I didnt get my mail until I pulled into the driveway,at which time my neighbor was incredulous at how well-trained my boy was!This man had lived directly below us for months and never had an inkling there was a dog,let alone such a large one,above him!That was the result of great training and alot of love!
Unfortunately,I was unable to keep him when I moved in with my present husband-he had the better apartment but it did not allow pets-period!Luckily my father was able to "adopt" him and he is still living happily living there at the ripe old age of ten!He has last a tooth or two and getting gray around the muzzle,but he is still the strong silent type.
The hero in todays story,Sadie May,lives with her owner at the Anchorage Motel-more commonly known as the "Owl" on Route 13 near Parksley,Va.I grew up in Accomack county and when I was a kid,the adjoining "Owl Restaurant" was a pretty decent eatery-today it is a Mexican restaurant I believe,and the motel has become a residence hotel-renting units short-term by the week or month,mostly to migrant laborers.
Had Sadie May not woken her owner,Amanda Bowden,this fire could have had deadly consequences.It IS an old structure and no doubt the fire would have spread rapidly,trapping residents as they slept.Thanks to a stellar pit bull and the work of several Accomack County fire stations,the fire was controlled and residents were able to come back to the evacuated motel shortly after.Bloxom,Parksley,Atlantic & Tasley(holla!Tasley people!) fire depts. responded.
Remember this story the next time you read the inevitable negative pit bull story-ANY dog,regardless of breed,is only as good or bad as their owner!


joe albero said...

We have 19 dogs, 3 cats that we claim, 2 others stop in to eat daily and 2 horses. Did I mention Vet bills? LOL

Chimera said...

Unfortunately my current lease prohibits pit bulls and other select dogs exclusively due to liability issues,and for other dogs and cats they require a steep deposit so my only pets now are a pair of fancy mice,Minnie & Maisy,who are constantly trying to escape!When my daughter is older,I would LOVE to own another pit bull terrier-best dogs I ever had!!!!

WatchfulEye said...

I don't live in MD anymore, but I have a pit bull that was abandoned by their owners when they moved out and left the dog in their house to die. She was very scared and not used to people, but now she is a happy, outgoing, joyous baby who is a pleasure to me. She also treats our kitten/cat like one of her babies, and is very tolorant of him when he wants to nibble on her ears and tail. They are wonderful animals who have had a bum rap.

Chimera said...

They DO get a bum rap!Thanks for your comment Watchful!!!

Anonymous said...

I rescued a pitbull, 5 years ago, her name "Lexi" she came from an abusive home with her left eye missing. She now is at my home and the best girl that ever was, plays with my granson and loves life, and if anyone or you read in the daily times i am the rescurer who lives in Fruitland and getting a bad wrap for being a good person and helping god's creatures. well so be it, i am going to do what i do cause i love it and want to help, when help is needed.

Chimera said...

The world needs more people like you Katlady!I used to live next door to another"cat lady".She was an older lady who housed about a dozen rescued cats in an outbuilding on her property and she had her share of critics too!Once someone even called the HS on her and when they came to investigate,they found nothing wrong with how the cats were cared for.They had warm,clean and dry indoor shelter,plenty of food and water and were all healthy,as well as "fixed".Give Lexi a big hug from Totmom!!!!