Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thank you Joe Albero!

Before I retire for the evening,I just wanted to give a "shout out" to Joe Albero of for inspiring me to start my own blog.If you have been living in cave and havent yet heard of him,he is a local blogger who is most well known for exposing a local government cover-up involving the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Salisbury,MD and mismanagement of the Salisbury Zoo.He is either a hero or a villain,depending on who you ask,but I have always enjoyed his blog and have been a reader since his early days when he posted as "National Joe-a-Graphic" and recently he was lamenting the lack of local bloggers and the fact that so many local blogs that were initially exceptional have faded into obscurity.
I have had a closet desire to start blogging for some time now,but while I am a HUGE fan of Joe and Billy Burkes "in your face-fight the power" blogs,I do not want to open myself up to the many headaches Joe has had to deal with.I would rather leave the serious news blogging to the pros and do a commentary style blog about a variety of topics ranging from issues I face as a parent to my take on local and national news stories that interest me and my favorite-movies and television....and hope people will check it out and like what they read and share their own experiences or opinions and post them here.
So to make a long story short(er) I just want to thank Joe for encouraging me to enter the arena known as the blogosphere,and if my blog is 1/10 the success his blog is,I will be content!


joe albero said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
joe albero said...

Well, hopefully you have hooked up Site Meter to your Blog. If you haven't, GET IT! You're about to get hit with thousands of visitors today as I have put up a Post about this Blog and a link to it. Thanks for the kind words and let's hope to bring this Blog some success right off the bat. It's different and that's what will make it work. Those anti Albero Blogs failed because they're trying to be me and it's just not natural for them. Therefore, they act like tough guys but they have no credibility because no one knows who they are.

If you're going to say something, put your own name on it. By the way, might I suggest you go to Moderation right from the beginning? It will sift out some of those jerks who will in fact come by here today and pester you. Don't let them get started and we can always wait to have our comments come up. This is not a chat room, it's a blog. People can wait. Just my thoughts on things.

Put on your seatbelt on because the ride is just about to begin. ;-)

Anonymous said...

This blog is going to suck.
It is endorsed by Joe Albero. YOu must be a very mentally unstable person if you are friend with that guy.

Anonymous said...

For goodness sakes you Albero bashers just don't visit his blogsite if you don't like him! Thanks Totmom for jumping into the melee, plan on visitin' and postin' regularly!!

Anonymous said...

You're a nut job too then.

joe albero said...

Funny part is, the mentally unstable person visits MY Blog every day, probably sends in death threats under anonymous, then clicks on a link to get here and tries to suggest you're mentally unstable?

Another dissatisfied customer! LMAO!

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on stepping up to "officially" join the world of the Blog-O-Sphere with your own page.

Be Just and Fear Not!

Writing and presenting your opinion is an excellent contribution to society regardless of whether people agree with your opinion or motive.

Joe has given solid advice that I second, use your own name to let people know who you are.

ANON said this blog is going to suck because its endorsed by Joe Albero... I think you are going to do very well because the anti-Albero crowd has now blessed your work.

Most of the people who act like blathering idiots or are totally negative hide behind their computer screens. They have no credibility with anyone so please don't take it to heart.

The Internet is really neat in how community is created & strange how people come to conclusions about public writers like myself and Joe Albero.

Some people think that Joe & I are in cahoots or brothers yet we never even spoke to each other until yesterday on the phone. Taunting the government or corrupt institutions is a great American tradition.

My wife tells people that "...Billy Burke says what people are thinking but afraid to say..." which of course makes me controversial.

Develop your own style based on what is inside of you... write what you feel like writing, when you feel like writing, respond to those comments you feel worthy of a response.

I truly hope that you don't agree with everything I write or everything that Joe Albero writes, this is America and our differences make us great as a people.

Good luck with your Blog and please feel free to call or e-mail me at anytime.


Billy Burke

Anonymous said...

well good luck to you, i will be checking out your site everyday, all i want to say is just dont dog all the company if its just one or two people who are full of s***, i know it takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch, but NOT ALL FF's are a**holes, and NOT ALL cops are bad. So have fun and the good blogs post the daily news and updates with the community, thanks

Chimera said...

Unlike most of the population,I openly embrace my insanity!LOL So "nut job" is a compliment to me!
Thank you all for your kind words-its really appreciated!

Anonymous said...

hello, arent you the blutoj who always post on daily times site???? i have read some your work, well keep up the good work and the attitude and i think you will make out well

Chimera said...

Howdy Katlady!Yup,thats me!Thanks for checking out my blog!Come back anytime!

Anonymous said...

Grow an extra layer of skin. I must say it's not easy opening yourself up to public commentary.
But I figure it's probably the same stuff they say behind your back cause they feel they can hide behind their screen.
'Down with Main Stream Media'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is nice to see someone on here, putting themselves out there like that. I will watch you and post when I feel the need, Like now :) BYW, I am a Pepsi addict too, makes you wonder what exactly is in that stuff Best wishes. Nicole P.

joe albero said...


Looks like you're well on your way to a successful Blog. Remind me every so often to mention your Blog on mine so we can continue helping promote a good/great Blog.

Do seriously consider moderation and you might also want to use the letter thingamabopper so you don't get slammed with spam mail.

Anyhow, it's so cool to have an additional Blog to read. Keep up the great work and thanks Billy. It was a real pleasure meeting you over the phone yesterday, Brother! LOL

Anonymous said...

Totmom, glad to see this, love your taste in music, fun and easy style.

As for those who will rag on you, especially if it's just because Albero supports you, to quote someone I know:

"F*** 'em if they can't take a joke!"

Rock on, sister!

joe albero said...

See, just mention the Albero name and comments go through the roof. LOL

Chimera said...

Yep-the plug on your blog certainly helped ensure people other than my relatives or friends read the blog LOL-And ironically,I have only gotten one negative comment which is pretty sweet.