Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Matt Damon,World's Sexiest Man-I think not!

Every year,People magazine chooses "World's Sexiest Man" and this year they bestowed the honor upon Matt Damon.I think not!Now before you Matt-loving ladies out there send me hate mail,just read on...
Not that Matt is not sexy,but he is too "vanilla" for my taste.Whatever happened to REAL men,you know,hairy brawny macho guys who have no clue what a "metrosexual" is and only use hair gel when they are overdue for a haircut and need to keep it out of their face.?I am married to one of those "mens men" and while I may be in the minority,there is nothing sexier than a fuzzy hairy chest and rough unmanicured hands!Most of todays "ideal" men have less body hair than I do and lets be realistic,you rarely see leading men with a nice full compliment of chest least not since Burt Reynolds heyday.And you NEVER see a guy on TV or the big screen with a hairy back unless he is portrayed as some neanderthal like Albert of WWE Wrestling.
Matt is a brilliant screenwriter and a fine actor,and damn handsome,but the typical man does not look like him.I do not discriminate against the folliclely challenged,but if I wanted a partner with a smooth hairless body I would have just married another chick instead of a man.Thanks to shows like "Queer eye for the Straight Guy",our men are being lead to believe they have to get waxed and "made-over" and all that jazz to be considered sexy.Granted,I do wish my husband would pick up his socks & drawers and put them in the hamper instead of leaving them where he disrobed but I wouldnt change a thing about him-hairy back,calloused hands & obsession with such "mens"movies as "Roadhouse" ,"Animal House" & " Caddyshack"along with his endless movie quotes from such films.
So...with that being said-Long Live Real Men!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Femenized America

Chimera said...

LOL Wymzie-it takes tough guy to get waxed and a tougher one to say no and be happily hairy!