Friday, November 23, 2007

Back to normal/Albero bashing

I appreciate all the comments but in the future I am sticking to my original blog format because while nobody has been vulgar or obscene in expressing themselves in this forum,I refuse to allow my blog to become another "anti-Albero"rag.If it means that the only people who will read the blog are my friends and family then so be it,but life is too short for me to worry about being put in the middle of some bullsh*t ,that in reality doesnt affect me one way or the other.I made the original post because I was personally outraged by what happened-not for "hits".There is already too much negativity out there,I dont need any of it touching my little corner of the world.I enjoy all the attention the blog has gotten,but it is against everything I believe in to make a name for myself at the expense of others.


Anonymous said...

After you get to know Joe a little better, you will see why so many people are fed up with him. You opened up the door for the discussion about him with your post in support of him. I don't think you did it for hits, but I don't doubt that you are under great pressure from him to shut down any free and open discussion about him down.

joe albero said...

My hat is tipped to you Totmom. Having a Blog like mine is extremely difficult as there are a select few who obviously will do anything to shut me up. This is a CLASSY Blog and one that is certainly welcomed to the Blogosphere.

As for the above comment, wash it off your back. I have a pretty good idea who HE is and HE wants nothing less than several places in which HE can spew his garbage. You know, kind of like a cat backed into a corner.

I thank you for your support in what happened on Thanksgiving Day. It was wrong. It was illegal and some will pay the price for doing so. This is two fold. My Grandson will pay a price and the person breaking the law will also pay a price. It wasn't about what was posted and or not posted. It was about someone going over the line and breaking the law and that's final.

Additional discussion about some that want to defend the person who broke the law should save that for a Court of Law. Think about it. No one else was here. I have been very careful NOT to expose all that was said and done, yet so many comments have come across as if they are in the know. Well, it's not me defending Wayne, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out who's making all the negative comments on this Blog, yet they claim to know so much about what allegedly happened? Dee, Dee, Deeee! LOL

I believe your Blog will excel by not getting in the middle and I respect and appreciate you for making such a choice. Joe

Chimera said...

I felt it necessary to eliminate anonymous comments for awhile til this blowed over and not because of any allegiance to anyone but because of the following comment,and I quote"Joe uses the SFD/SPD to get hits and Totmom uses Joe".I wear my heart on my sleeve and I can tell you it bit me to the quick to think I could be perceived as "using" anyone.Thats why I am going to my old format.I am the last person who would use anyone to promote myself,please know that!

joe albero said...
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joe albero said...

You worry too much. Any level headed person could see what you posted was your opinion and anger towards what this Fire Fighter/Photographer are capable of.

These guys have a way of bombarding you with comments in the hopes of turning the whole thing around making them right even when they break the law.

No big deal. You are 100% correct when the Anti Albero Blogs use my name to get hits. That's cool though. I can take what I dish out.

As for my using the Fire Department to get hits, I'd like to defend that, if you don't mind?

It doesn't matter if I'm talking about the Fire Department or anyone else, I GET HITS like there's no tomorrow. I deliver more Posts than any Blog on the Eastern Shore. I am out on the streets getting photos of what I speak of, unlike those who just sit around getting their news from The Daily Times and or bashing anything and everything I produce, hence the Anti Albero Blogs.

There's a BIG difference between HITS and COMMENTS. Yes, the Fire Department threads get more COMMENTS. However, I get the same average of HITS each and every day just as common as the sun rising and setting every day.

I do NOT use the Fire Departments to gain hits. They're already there.

Historical Wit said...

Talk about he said she said