Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!!!! - Images For Your Page!
Florists will be swamped,greeting cards and chocolates will fly off the shelves,and some local pizza shops will offer heart-shaped pies!Yes,it is Valentines Day,again!I am not going to start dispensing advice on what to get for your sweetheart-but I am going to encourage everyone to reach out to those special friends or relatives who are single for whatever reason this Valentines Day and let them know you are thinking about them.While its mostly a holiday for retailers,it can also be the loneliest day of the year for those who are single,whether it be by choice or not,so please don't forget them!
NOW-LOL-I will not dispense advice on what to get your hubby or wife,but I will tell you what I want-a sweet card with a handwritten note,and a pint of Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge!I have NO idea what to get my hubby and after almost 7 years of marriage I have to admit that while "the bloom is still on the rose",we give each other practical gifts-so I will probably supplement the obligatory greeting card with some new underwear!Hey,men always need new underwear and my man appreciates that kind of thing.He also knows that if he is to buy me some candy,I would rather have it given to me Friday,so he can get it half-price!I know,I'm a cheap biotch but thats cool-I can wait an extra day and we can do something good with the extra $$$ we save!It goes without saying that he will get me roses but thats nothing unusual as I have one of those husbands who will bring me flowers for no reason with no hidden motives!Its funny,because my family owns and operates a floral business so technically I can get all the flowers I want-wholesale-but it still warms my heart to get a fresh bouquet for no reason.
Sooo....that being said-have a great Valentines Day and again,do not forget those people who are alone this year!!!!!

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