Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday means super stupid bills on the ballots

Today it was reported in national news that in two of the many states holding elections today,there are ridiculous bills on the ballot up for vote.
First of all,in Mississippi,we have a bill from Republican Rep. John Read of Gautier,which would ban restaurantiers from serving obese people.I sh*t you not!another dumb law to save people from themselves that has no merit whatsoever.Read says he never intended for it to ever be voted into law,he just wanted to shed light on what he feels to be an obesity epidemic in his state(an estimated 30% of Mississippians are obese).So why even waste the valuable time debating it or bringing it up at all?
Then over in California,Measure A on the local ballots in Riverside,if passed,would restrict the number of roosters residents can legally own.They say it is to cut down on cockfighting but there was also alot of pressure on the city council by residents who merely complained about excessive noise from crowing roosters.If you live in ANY metropolitan area and your biggest complaint is a crowing cock,then you need to get a life.If the city already allows people to keep chickens its kind of unfair to backpedal now because some neighbors got their feathers ruffled!

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