Sunday, February 17, 2008

I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!Part II

Last week Sbynews reported the arrest of a Salisbury man for allegedly attacking an underage girl & I was shocked to learn upon further investigation into the matter that this man is not only a registered sex offender but at the age of 27 has a history of sex offenses,unlawful imprisonment, and assault AND has served very little time behind bars for any of it.Alarmingly,he has a sibling who is right next to him on the Sex Offender Registry for similar crimes!As a Mom,I am disturbed by the fact that there are people serving more time for drugs(non violent)than those who REPEATEDLY prey on kids sexually.
Some of the most infamous and heinous child-killers had a long history of sexual offenses-Arthur Shawcross comes to mind,as well as Richard Davis,the man who murdered Polly Klaas and many others.I remember Carly Bruccia,the girl that the nation saw on the news being led away by a convicted sex offender who was,for some reason,out on the streets in Florida.Why arent we getting the connection there and keeping these creeps in jail longer.
I am not going to name the man arrested in Salisbury because it is already public record and repeating it would serve no purpose.I just encourage everyone to become familair with all the sex offender registry profiles in their areas and be proactive.You never would think in a million years that someone in YOUR neighborhood could do this kind of thing and thats what they count on to get away with their crimes.I will not beat this issue to death but it bears repeating.Until these judges get the clue and start putting sex offenders away with no parole-no early release and no second chances-it is up to the community to keep its children safe.

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