Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Totmom has had to "hire-out"

You may have noticed that I haven't been posting as much as I used to and theres a good reason-I have went back to work part time(16-30 hrs a week)just to help out during the winter.Our utility bill is normally in the $90 to $140 range,depending on usage any other time of the year,but in the winter when we turn the heat on,it surges up to about $220.I still have time to manage my household,and have flexible hours and most of all,I am getting out of the house!Being a stay at home Mom is TERRIFIC but it gets lonely too and in another year my baby will be in school.So it helps out alot with boredom and with winter bills!I honestly do not know how people on fixed incomes or single parents with no aid manage it every winter-people who make too much money to get "free" heat but earn barely enough as it is to pay bills.An economic depression could actually save marriages because being a single wage earner raising kids is a prescription for poverty in this economy!Its tough enough with 2 people.Some married couples both work long hours all week and still cant get by,so I feel fortunate for what I do have.
I still plan on blogging though,just later in the evening after work is over,chores are done,etc...
Thanks for all the visits and support everyone from all over who reads!That keeps me coming back!


Anonymous said...


I chose to be a stay at home mom too. The kids are 22,21,& 8.

I help my husband with his business, but I couldn't imagine going back out into the workin world again. So I honor you. I hate office politics, and the BS that goes with it.

Sometimes I tell my husband...Why can't I just be happy working at walmart as a greeter, and not want anything more.

I just wish my life was that easy.

Anyway, good luck with your job, I hope it goes well for you.


Chimera said...

I stay sane by working part time!!LOL