Thursday, January 3, 2008

Toyota to Ford:Move it on over

For the 1st time since 1931,Ford is no longer the number 2 automaker just behind GM.That honor now goes to Toyota,which sold approximately 50,000 more vehicles than Ford last year,and Fords sales fell by 24 percent.DUH! Gas prices have steadily increased and Ford,like the other "US" automakers,has done little to produce fuel efficient vehicles across their product lines.IN the meantime,Toyota,along with Honda & Nissan,have concentrated on producing affordable,fuel efficient cars for decades.While Toyota offers ONE full-sized model truck,Ford and Chevrolet both have multiple large truck and SUV offerings,all gas guzzlers and very little to offer to those of us who are trying to drive "green".Let's hope this is a wakeup call for Ford and other carmakers.

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