Sunday, December 9, 2007

Animal House and me......

I have only seen this movie a hundred times,considering its on my husbands top 10 list of great movies but its airing on AMC and there is little else on so I am watching again!Ironically,its in part because of this movie I have the online monoker of Blutoj LOL.My husband earned Bluto as a nickname after Belushis'character back when he was a young party animal and it followed him into adulthood-When I started posting to groups online,I naturally wanted a unique unisex name to stave off pervs and be catchy at the same time and so I used Blutoj-short for "Blutos Jewel"(thats me!) and also J is our family name initial.Whew!So now you all know the source of my name-I added Totmom because I am a stay at home mother and damn proud of it!
Everytime I see Belushi raise that eyebrow,I just fall out laughing.Boy,do I miss him.

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