Sunday, December 30, 2007

Paydirt for doggies

A Hagerstown,Maryland man named Ken Kemper died last year and left his entire estate,estimated at 800 thousand dollars in value and including his house,to his three dogs!They consist of a Beagle and two Lab mixes and they live at the home with their cartaker Roy Grady,who even makes them spaghetti and garlic bread dinners once a week(that cant be good for them!).The executor of the Kemper estate says that when the dogs are deceased and no longer require care,the remainder of the estate will be donated to animal-related charities,saying thats what Kemper would have wanted.Apparently he adopted all three dogs as strays and wanted to be sure they would continue to be cared for after he was gone.Hey,if he does not have kids to spend it for him,I think it was really sweet to look out for his pets.Whatta guy!

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