Friday, December 28, 2007

Internet Predators

As I usually try to do on Friday nights,I am watching "Dateline NBC" and this week they are doing another "To catch a predator" episode,in Kentucky.It is shocking to see,even after all the media attention"To catch a predator" has gotten(its even been sent up on SNL),there are still multiple men traveling ,often hundereds of miles,to meet what they think is a 13 year old girl,for sex!A young fresh faced cleancut guy shows up,and he is an ex Police Lt!!!!WTF?He was,but he had been fired from his job!His excuse for meeting an underage girl?He is going through a divorce and he is lonely!.When he goes to exit the house,he sees the police and he tries to go back in and gets tased for his efforts!Yet another guy shows up and reveals he is a convicted sex offender,and amazingly,a severely handicapped man shows up with crutches and they all are preying on decoys that they think are underage girls.
This is a serious problem and parents have got to moniter their childs computer use!One of my friends just got her daughter her 1st computer for Christmas and whenever she is on her computer,her bedroom door must be wide open so her Mom can look in and see what she is doing.She has also been instructed about internet safety,including being told to NEVER give out personal information,or engage in chat with anyone who says inappropriate things.It sounds simple,but with sites like Myspace and Friendster more popular than ever,it is important that your kids know not to give their private email address out to anyone they do not know,or their address or phone number.
I do not understand what make these pervs tick,and it is frightening as a mother to know that there are people like that out there.Dateline has taken alot of heat since a public prosecuter(DA) killed himself after being nabbed trying to meet a minor for sex,but they are providing a valuable service.It gives me great satisfaction to see these men in shackles on national television,so the world knows how disgusting they are.I have followed the "To catch a Predator" series since they began.
If you are stuck home on a Friday night,Dateline is usually pretty gripping.It's like 60 Minutes,but with better looking hosts and a bigger budget!


Anonymous said...

One of the things that we did with our kids is that we had the Pc in the living room, but also they were not allowed to erase the 'History' We told them we could tell if they did so they were afraid to go places they knew we wouldn't approve of. Additionally their Dad told them that he had a program that captured all Instant Messages, and recorded every keystroke that they did while chatting.

We didn't have any of that stuff, but they believed it until they were old enough to handle more mature stuff.

I'm also the mom who had my daughter given a Norplant at 16 years old. Norplant is a birthcontrol device that goes in your arm and is good for five years. I told the only way I would go for any sort of birth control was if she did one she didn't have to remember to take and this one "had" an additional feature; a GPS! She believed me and agreed. To this day she believes I will be able to find her if she is lost with her norplant. I love having a blonde for a daughter.

Chimera said...

It wasn't an issue when I was that age-and I know I am giving away my age but at that time only the extremely wealthy had home computers-now everyone has at least one in their home.
LOL on the norplant.My mom did the same thing when I was just 15-she was way ahead of her time!Of course I took the Pill and wedidnt know what "GPS' was back then LOL.But I do have a blonde daughter...