Friday, December 14, 2007

Deer Dumping

It seems like it happens around this time every year-no,I am not talking about Thanksgiving,Chanukah or Christmas,I am referring to what I call "deer dumping".All over Delmarva,careless people are dumping deer carcasses on the side of the road,often under the cover of darkness,wherever is convenient for them to do so.
I left my house this morning to go to the bank,and as I was backing out of my driveway,I spot a cluster of vultures in the field across from my yard and there it is!A very small doe,who was apparently shot and then dumped unceremoniously because she didnt have an impressive "rack" for the shooter to take home with him.I guess they didnt even bother to butcher her because its obvious she is very scrawny,so why shoot her in the 1st place?
I am not anti-hunter,I have venison steaks in my own freezer but there is such a thing as responsible stewardship of the land and the wildlife that inhabit it.Hunting is necessary to thin out the herds,and there are plenty of deer to be had,but dammit,do it right!
Elsewhere,on the route I take into town,there is a pile of decomposing remains of two rather large deer,all gutted out and butchered and the refuse just dumped on the shoulder.Not only is this unsightly,especially if you have observant small children who have to look at this mess,but it attracts scavengers of all kinds-vultures,feral dogs and cats,etc. which can create a hazard for drivers.A family in Crisfield lost a beloved family pet recently after it ingested parts of a rotting deer carcass that was left on the shoulder of a CITY STREET!Their dog got loose and by the time they caught her,she had already eaten some of the offings and subsequently got very sick and died.Sure,the dog was loose-but dogs get out every now and then.It still does not excuse dumping a carcass out in the open,in TOWN,no less.
There is a proper method of disposing of deer remains and responsible sportsmen do what they are supposed to do-but the minority of hunters who do not are a real problem.Unless you catch them in the act and report their tag numbers,there is really no way to report them.Its really disgusting and careless....


joe albero said...

You must have missed my article on this exact same thing a few weeks ago. In my case they had dumped the guts right along side of the road where Eagles were attempting to eat what was there. For some odd reason they always want to pull it into the middle of the road, I don't know why. Ultimately in many cases these creatures are injured or killed because some Idiot is too lazy to do it right.

I too am not anti hunting but there's a right way and a wrong way and then there's a redneck.

Chimera said...

Sorry I must have overlooked it-but its enough of an annoyance to bear repeating.If I ever catch anyone actually dumping one out here I am getting their tag number-dont know the legalities of it,but its disgusting and yes,very uber-redneck.Hubby says its just those dickless wonders in the world who have to kill something to feel manly rather than real sportsmen who dump them like that LOL

Anonymous said...

I agree with the both of you! It is a disgrace. You have to be a complete moron. When My husband or I are disposing of the "rest" we bury it no less than 6 ft. under. And we live in the country! We have ducks and don't want to invite coyotes or wolves or any other animals. He is an excavator, so one of us just fires the backhoe up, and done!!!

Anonymous said...

I am the previous anonymous poster. I can't remember my password! dee-de-de!

joe albero said...

Love the Dee, Dee, Deeee! That made my morning!

Anonymous said...

I don't often agree with Joe but you both made some very good points.My deer is field dressed in the woods and then transported to a butcher for processing.I've seen some deer which have been shot,tracked,and lost an turn up in someones field where it died,which sometimes happens but to shoot a deer and leave it, well there is simply no excuse for it. I can't factually prove this next contraversial statement but I do remember a time when you rarely saw either of the two instances above and it wasn't until the heavy influence of Bridge Crossers it became more previlent.