Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Nothing like the "AC-to hell with you" to get me fired up!

I know I said I would not be blogging again until tomorrow but I have been seething all day long after reading the Daily Times today.Why,you ask?It seems the little town of Exmore,on Virginias Eastern Shore,has a Nativity scene as part of it's Christmas displays and the good old "AC-to hell with you"(ACLU),as well as another liberal watchdog group,is demanding via threatening letters that it be removed or else.Exmores Town Manager Herb Gilsdorf says the town has not even replied to the letters as of yet and that Mayor Guy Lawson intends on keeping the display until a Judge orders it to be taken down.It is actually sitting on State-owned property and is maintained and electrified by the town.The only problems I can foresee is that it is municipal employees on government time setting it up,it is on state property and uses town electricity.Heres my solution-having grown up on the Eastern shore of Virginia,I know there are alot of good Christian people down there who give selflessly of themselves.So.....recruit a private business owner with highway exposure similar to the current location offer a place to put it & plug it in and have citizens or city employees on their own time volunteer to put it up,take it down and maintain it.Then tell the ACLU to go straight to hell and find some other battle to fight.That way it will still be there for everyone to see AND then they cannot do anything about it,in court or otherwise!I know not everyone celebrates Christmas and thats their right but like a commentator in the Times Story Chat stated,it is not just Christian history,the Nativity is WORLD history.If Jesus didn't exist,if he was not in fact born in Bethlehem,then why do we refer to his name to mark history,as in B.C.(before Christ)???Think about it!Why do we say "2007 A.D."if Jesus did not die for our sins?I am not naive enough to think that my religion is the ONLY way,but why is it suddenly wrong or politically incorrect to be a Christian?If the ACLU wants to get pissed off over something,then get mad at the whole over-commercialized Christmas hype-not the beliefs behind the Holiday.I am all for seperation of church and state,but do we have to take God out of everything?I guess since His name is on cash the ACLU shuns the use of US currency too?I think not.They only have a problem with God when there is nothing in it for them.Merry Christmas!!!!!!

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