Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Memories and More....

For many years I spent Christmas morning at my Mothers house and then in the afternoon,it was on to my step-grandparents with my Dad and stepmother.This was the second christmas without my mother,which is VERY difficult to comprehend,so after my daughter finished unwrapping her loot from Santa,we packed up and it was off to the grandparents(my stepmothers parents)to spend the afternoon with the extended family.Other than my husbands grandmother,they are the only living grandparents I have left and they are getting on in years and are in poor health,so each year is a blessing.Pop-pop Jim has had many strokes and cant really recall much,but the look on his face when he sees his many great-grandkids is priceless.He doesnt know all their names anymore but he knows they are his greatgrandbabies and he is content just to watch them play and get hugs & kisses all day long.It makes my day to see him so happy.
Also,is it just me,or is everything overpackages now?I filled 5 yard-sized garbage bags to almost bursting with paper and plastic packaging today,mostly from toys!To see our dump pile you would think we bought out a department store!
I also had a pile of dishes waiting for me when I got home today.Although I did not cook at home,I baked some sugar cutouts(from a mix) and pecan sandies(from scratch).My dear husband sat down and hand-shelled over a hundred pecans Sunday while watching football,sans nutcracker tools.Try to find a nutcracker set!One store where we checked said"No,we don't have them,but everyone is asking for them!"Uh,duh!Used to be at least one person would give you a nutcracker set for Christmas,now they seem to be scarce!At least I do not have to buy pecans-my father has so many he gives them away!
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and got to spend time with the people they love.You never know who will still be here with us next year so its important to always make time for family and loved ones!


Anonymous said...

This is my second Christmas without my Mom as well. It has been very difficult. When my oldest children were small, we decided to stay home and let my Mom and Dad come to us before they headed to Baltimore to see my grandmother and my brother's family. I always had Christmas breakfast. Now my brother is living here, but I still had breakfasr before my Dad and my brother headed over to see other family. It has made it easier to deal with, I think, keeping old traditions rather than changing them.

Anonymous said...


I lost my mom 21 years ago and it's just as hard today as when I lost her. My dad is an ass who remarried and can't stand me because I remind her too much of my mom. Unfortunately, we have no relationship and he doesn't even know my kids. It' very sad.

I agree, we have more trash than ever, and I purchased less.

I wrote an article on the Tattler last week about the 8th continent of the World "Trash" in the North Pacific. Scientist say it's as big as two Texas'! What happened to the days we would go to the store and pick out an object and it was handed to us and we were asked if we wanted it wrapped?

All of this packaging is killing the enviroment and I understand the plastic safety on the Med's to keep from another Tylenol scare, but how does that protect our Malibu Barbie?

Chimera said...

Thank you for sharing your own Christmas memories with me!It doesn't matter how old you are,when you lose your Mother you lose your best friend!
I am fortunate that I have a great relationship with my Father and his wife,but nothing replaces Mom!
My daughter has a grandfather (hubbys Dad) who has never even met her and makes no effort to but thats fine-my husbands stepfather is really good to her and they adore each other-thats one of her her Poppops,blood or not!
All the trash generated from the holiday packages is ridiculous!I feel terrible discarding so much crap but alot of it isnt accepted for recycling-argh!